Rabu, 19 Agustus 2009

berpuisi sebelum reuni

Where is our yesterday
You and I could use it right now
But if this is goodbye

Just take my heart when you go
I don't have the need for it anymore
I'll always love you, but you're too hard to hold
Just take my heart when you go

Here we are about to take the final step now
I just can't fool myself, I know there's no turing back
Face to face it's been endless conversation
But when the love is gone you're left with nothing but talk

I'd give my everything
If only I could turn you around
But if this is goodbye

Just take my heart when you go
I don't have the need for it anymore
I'll always love you but you're too hard to hold
Just take my heart when you go

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terdiri dari 15 cow 23 cwe:
amz[akean sungkan"]
nyit"[jrang kliatan]
dea'[jayusx suda ter-akreditasi]
dina[yg bkin qt" ktawa]
dinda[pinter.ank osis]
saginata[langka nii]
2-Q[pecinta music yg uda ikt" jayuz]
ebi[bis ap yg ganteng?.ebis ganteng]
ervan[adem.kyak org india kta nak"]
piem"[pa'i wife.palng tua]
ndund[adk qt.plg muda]
gyla[soccer boy.pinter nyanyi]
tachiq[kedonyand.sie dokum]
dita[nak mojokerto.sangar]
Joe[diem.mirip bnyk artis]
jeng is[presiden mi sedap]
ira[suka enjoy d alam sna]
ji'on[bomber.hoby jualan]
maya[suka narutoh.tertutup]
ibo[rada" gj.pecinta ular]
kiki[MC kmana".d antara 2 plihan]
naju[rajin.calon dokter]
bolang[petualang.ska nutup"in sswt]
prilndut[anak TK nyasar.ska d jailin]
samy[pemaen basket.wajah sangar,hati monokuroboo]
riska[ank volly.ngilang breng nyit"]
tita[looney toonz.le' nyetir lucu]
er"[Mc jg,skeleton]
shiro[ska peswat".petualang sejati]
sari[anag guru.bicarax kya' ma"x]
nchiep[anak LA nyasar.jrang plg kozan]
obek[bomber.suka merah" dwe klo malu]
wewe[artis ibukota.pecinta nidji]
balapip[org arab.ngomong'e g jlaz]
cemplux[sering nangis.narsis]
samsoel[jln makadam blum diaspal,hadu tyo]